economic growth

Factors Affecting Economies

Economies are defined as the capacity of people to utilize available resources to make products or provide services for each other. The cumulative effect of these factors is sometimes difficult to predict:


larger population increases an economy’s supply and demand. More producers can supply more goods to meet consumers’ demand, who have more choices at lower prices. However, too much population leads to increased competition for resources. The population density also affects the way an economy functions. A densely populated area usually has a smaller land area and, as a result, more competition for resources.

Economic growth 

Its stages of development determine an economy’s capacity for future production. A newly industrialized or independent nation may have high economic growth because it uses all available resources to produce goods at competitive prices. Developed economies normally have slower growth rates because they use most of their resources to provide services and improve productivity rather than simply increasing the number of goods produced.

Natural resources 

A country’s natural resources affect its standard of living. A country that has a resource such as oil or diamonds may attract foreign investments, which can raise the standard of living in some cases. However, if the government is not responsible for the population’s welfare, it can also lead to political unrest and, ultimately, nationalism from within.

Economic system

The economic system refers to the way an economy allocates its resources. The three most common economic systems are capitalism, socialism, and communism. Under capitalism, people are allowed to own private property and businesses. Under socialism, the government owns most businesses and distributes resources equally. Under communism, the government owns all businesses and distributes resources according to each person’s needs.

Trade policy 

A country’s trade policy is the set of laws and regulations that control the buying and selling of goods and services between countries. A country’s trade policy can promote economic growth by encouraging exports, or it can be used to protect local industries from foreign competition. Expert advice is often used to create a trade policy that will most benefit the country.


Taxes are a way for governments to raise revenue to pay for public goods and services. The level of taxation, the type of tax, and how the tax is collected all affect an economy. High taxes can discourage people from working or investing in businesses, while low taxes can encourage people to work more hours or invest more money in businesses. Experts like Harvey Bell are often needed to determine the most beneficial level of taxation for an economy.


New technology can change the way economies operate and affect their living standards. New technologies may cause unemployment but also increase available resources and consumer choices. Expertise is often required to decide whether a new technology should be implemented and affect the economy.


Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices. When prices go up, people need more money to buy the same goods and services. This can lead to a decrease in the value of money, which is called deflation. Inflation can be caused by many things, such as an increase in the money supply, rising production costs, or higher taxes.


Globalization is a process that affects all aspects of economies around the world. It may refer to trade agreements between countries that make it easier for companies within those countries to sell their products and services globally, increased mobility of capital investments across national borders, or a growing recognition that governments must work together on issues such as climate change and terrorism.

An economy is a complex system with many moving parts. It is affected by various factors, some internal to the country and others external. All of these factors can have a positive or negative effect.