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A Beginner’s Guide to Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing, also known as affiliate marketing, has become one of the best ways to promote products and services online. If you’re curious about what it’s all about and whether or not it’s right for your business, you’ve come to the right place! Here, we’ll discuss what influencer marketing is, how it differs from other types of digital marketing, why it works so well with social media networks, and much more.

The basics

When it comes to influencer marketing, you can’t just pick any old person and expect them to be an instant success. The best approach is to leverage your marketing strengths by identifying influencers who are most likely to help you reach your goals. Let’s take a closer look at some of your basic marketing strengths and how they relate to influencers. You can visit to learn more basics.

Why it works

Because we trust people more than we trust brands, when you reach out to an influencer, you’re effectively tapping into their marketing strengths: their audience, their followers, and their ability to create a conversation about your brand. If they get on board with your brand—and if it resonates with them and their audience—you’ll have credibility from someone who has already established themselves as an expert in your niche. That credibility will attract attention, traffic, and sales.

How it works

There are many ways brands can work with social media influencers, and marketers should be prepared to experiment to determine which is most effective for their brand. Many times, though, they don’t know how or where to start. If that sounds like you—or if you’re looking for more information on how influencer marketing works—we’ve got you covered. Check out our beginner’s guide below! To learn even more about specific tactics, check out our other posts like how a brand like casinos online can use Instagram for business and how businesses can get started with Snapchat Ads.

Challenges in influencer marketing

While influencer marketing is quickly growing, some challenges exist in both its potential and application. One of these challenges is defining what influencers are. Identifying who or what are good influencers has proven difficult for marketers, partly because it’s challenging to determine influence itself. This also goes back to that one size doesn’t fit all maxim—different consumers have different interests and affinities, so sometimes one person might be a better match than another for your brand even if they don’t seem as big on social media. This presents other problems because it makes selecting an appropriate partner harder since they could fall outside your initial parameters.