6 Entrepreneurial Trends You Can’t Ignore

When you’re in the business of entrepreneurship, there are many things to consider. But just because you have many important things to consider doesn’t mean that you should ignore these six trends, which can help your business in the long run. Each trend is unique in its own way and has different advantages and disadvantages, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t implement them into your own business strategy if they fit with what you do and how you do it.

1) Big data

Big data has been a buzzword for several years now, but in 2018, we should be seeing more actionable applications of data analysis that are relevant to entrepreneurs. Consider how you can use big data to inform your business decisions and empower more effective decision-making. With new tools like Google Analytics offering increased functionality and flexibility, now’s an excellent time to learn how you can leverage big data to further your own ventures. Besides australia online casino sites offer some reliable information for new businesses.

2) Marketing automation

Automated marketing is one of those buzzwords you hear everywhere, but what does it mean for your business? Marketing automation refers to software-driven platforms that collect and organize data from many different sources (e.g., social media platforms, email marketing providers, web analytics tools) and can be used to carry out high-level marketing strategies such as lead nurturing.

3) Google Glass

Wearable tech just became a whole lot more wearable. Google Glass, still in beta mode, is basically a computer for your face. It links with your smartphone and lets you take photos and video, get directions and find out information on restaurants or businesses nearby. While it looks geeky now—Google co-founder Sergey Brin has been spotted wearing a prototype—there’s no doubt these will be trendy before long.

4) Wearable technology

In 2013, sales of wearable technology such as fitness bands and smartwatches set a new record, with 30 million devices sold. Sales of these devices are projected to continue growing at a breakneck pace into 2014, reaching more than 100 million by 2017. This rapid growth shows that people want to be able to manage their lives on the go. Learn more from casino en ligne francais site.

5) Virtual reality and augmented reality

A $150 headset called Google Cardboard lets you turn your smartphone into a virtual reality device. In June, Facebook spent $2 billion to acquire Oculus VR, which makes a high-end PC-based virtual reality headset that employs positional tracking. Meanwhile, Sony is working on Project Morpheus and Microsoft has HoloLens.

6) Fitness trackers

With your smartphone, you can track everything from how many steps you take in a day to what your heart rate is at any given moment. Fitness trackers also make it easier to stay motivated: Fitbit and other mobile apps offer badges and virtual cheer squads as rewards for hitting targets. What’s more, some wearable fitness devices have social media components that help motivate users to meet their goals by turning fitness into a game—and sharing their accomplishments with friends on Facebook or Twitter.